fredag 22 november 2013

Home in sweden

I`am finally home in sweden :) The trip went good but it was turbulence on the airplane a short moment .When I landed my family come and huge me a lot because they hade miss me much.

 I miss new york a lot because it was so nice there but I`am really happy that I did do so much stuff :)
I have decided to go to the USA on holiday again but to Florida next year or at the summer. Bye everybody!!

torsdag 21 november 2013

Leaving New York tomorrow :(

Hello! Tomorrow I'am leaving the USA :( I hade a really good time here in New York and I had a great holiday :)  And Nora was going home at yesterday to Philadelphia but we had it so fun when she was in New York with me :) This holiday I never forget because I had been at many beautiful places. :D
But I have miss Sweden a lot if I most been honest! The most I have miss with Sweden is my friends and family ;)

I Should pack my suitcase now so I don't need to do it tomorrow :) bye

onsdag 20 november 2013

The storm

Read in the news paper that it is going to be a Storm in Manhattan at friday and I'm actually scared about the storm because at friday I`am going home to sweden and my plan maybe been delayde. Because the security want people to stay inside because the storm are going to be really dangerous.

söndag 17 november 2013

Drake concert

Hi! We had it really nice to the concert at yesterday ;) It was so much people at the Madison square garden! It was so amazing to she drake in the reality and we hade the best tickets because we was stand in front of the stage :D

fredag 15 november 2013

Pictures from Florida and Disney world

                                         Here is some picture from Florida and Disney world :)

                                                                 miami beach

                                                                     The town

                                                                  Walt Disney world


torsdag 14 november 2013

Back in New York

Hey! At yesterday was we at Disney world and it was so fun we went lots of carousels and we played golf.  We also  shop clothes and shoes but not at Disney world we was shopping in the town in Florida .
We had lucky with the weather in Florida it was hot there I think it was about 26 degrees. We couldn't stay in Florida a few days more because at saturday are we going to a concert . And we didn't want to miss that concert :)

I upload  some pictures at Florida and Disney world tomorrow :) bye!!

onsdag 13 november 2013

Going to Disneyland

Hello! At yesterday half past ten did we get tickets to the drake concert :) So happy <3

Today are we going to Disneyland in Florida Orlando :) We're went to fly airplane to Florida because it take so long time to Went with car to Florida from New York and with a airplane it takes about 2 hours and 26 minutes. Our flight goes about a hour so I'am write more tomorrow :) bye

tisdag 12 november 2013

The best new :D!

Hello!  Omg have the greatest new. Think I faint :O I and Nora was outside and training we was run. Suddenly out of nowhere did we saw Drake the hiphop star.

Obviously we go to him and ask about his autograph!

He told us that he would have a concert here in New York at Saturday. He though we should go to the concert because he would have an encore.
Clearly we would go to the concert! Haha

So now we're out and looking tickets online :)

måndag 11 november 2013

The best day :)

Have the best day today :D

When Nora came to my hotel we went to times square and then we were at the beach and played volleyball with some guys she knows before.

And later this afternoon are we going out and shopping and go and eat at some place. Bye!

söndag 10 november 2013

Skype with my friend Nora

Skype with Nora about 1 hour ago who lives in Philadelphia. When she heard that I was in New York we decide to meet at my hotel three o'clock tomorrow.

And then go out and windsurf at sea atlantic and dive with dolphins.

lördag 9 november 2013

Shopping, visit the statue of liberty and Empire state building

Today have I been and shopping at macy's and visit the statue of liberty and Empire State Building.

               At Empire state building was it amazing view because I did see all of the Manhattan. 

      haha! This hate did I bought at the statue of liberty.

fredag 8 november 2013

Finally in the USA

This mornig I landed in the USA (new york) and then I take a taxi to my hotel and check in. Now I`am at my hotel room and pack up my stuff.

I maybe take a walk later and look around, and eat at a restaurant or go to the beach and swim and lie in the sun. 

       The hotel, New york hilton midtown

        the hotel room

torsdag 7 november 2013

The flight

Hi again :) I finally sitting in the airplane on my way to the USA now and chilling out after all the stress that's been at the airport this morning. It was such a hassle because when I had finished eat up my food at the airport, I would check in my bag's but I went wrong way and then I finally found were you check in your bag's and I found out that my plan been delayed.

                             Here is the food I eat at the airport this morning :) It was really good <3

Beef, potato wedges in the oven with peppars and red - and garlic, broccoli and tzatziki

At the airport

Hi! Right now I`m at the airport. I`am a little early because I`am starving and I want to eat something before I go and check in my bag`s because it take`s about 8 hours to fly to the USA.

 My flight is going at 11.01 am and the clock is already 10.40 am. So I must hurry....:/ I blog more when I`am in the airplan.

tisdag 5 november 2013

My trip to the USA

Hello everyone! Tomorrow my flight are going to USA and I'm so excited and a little bit of nervous to fly but that's nothing to be worried about.

I finally finished packing my suitcase about ten min ago with stuff I need to USA. It take lot of time to get ready with my suitcase but now am I clear. About 30 min I'm going to the hospital because I need to vaccine me so I write more tomorrow... Bye!